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The Van Zandt County Sheriff’s Offi ce released the following arrest report from Apr. 30-May 8.
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Of hogs and catfish

As one of my radio heroes, Garrison Keelor, used to say, “It’s been a quiet week here in Lake Wobegon.” Change the word “Wobegon” to “Kaufman County” and my exact sentiments will be mirrored, but I have managed to venture afield close to home in pursuit of wild hogs between floods. You might remember me mentioning that I have been on a quest to capture on video for our weekly outdoor TV show, ‘ASportsman’s Life,’the harvest of one of the ‘too many’ wild hogs in the bottomland close to my house.


The Old Bethel Cemetery Associational meeting will be held on Saturday, May 18 at the Old Bethel Missionary Baptist Church located at 103 VZCR 2313. The business meeting will begin at 10:30 a.m.